Once Values, Now Myths: The Media's Reign Over Society

"Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder"...or so society once told us.

But now society's values have become nothing more than yesterday's myths and the media's distorted concepts of beauty now form the image of a beautiful woman. So perhaps the phrase should now be "Beauty is in the Eye of the Media".

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Anonymous said...

it's so sad that girls today start being pressured and worried about their bodies and beauty so early. The media targets younger and younger girls--and most often the messages are ignored by society since they are often subliminal (ex. disney movies). And young girls are definitely an easy target since they don't have much concept of self-image and they pretty much accept what they say on tv, magazines, and people around them to be the truth--so if the media portrays an hourglass-figured, blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman as the standard, it is what the ten-year old girl will want to try and live up to and become.

Anonymous said...

"do you think I'm fat" or "do i look fat in this"

These questions are so prevalent among girls my age (teen range)!! Why do girls need reassurance from their friends about their bodies! The mainstream ideal of the ideal woman being thin and hour-shaped has become absolutely ridiculous.

Sean said...

This is funny because my girlfriend always wants to know if her dress makes her ass look too big or her stomach to look bulky, etc. She's absolutely gorgeous, and although I always tell her she looks absolutely amazing, she still has some sort of problem with understanding that! But I think all girls see women like Victoria's secret models and celebrities and they feel insecure of themselves no matter what.

Robert said...

yea man--it's like women are never happy with how they look even when we tell them we love the way they look. my girlfriend is always asking me if she should lose more weight! I love the way her body is, but she keeps thinking I want her to be thinner or whatever. It is sorta ridiculous how all these commercials and magazines that us guys sometimes just see and think the women are hot and move on with our day, affects the way women feel about their image and the comparisons they constantly make internally.

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