The media has been setting standards for female beauty for quite a long time. What’s worse--our society has continued to accept those standards without question.
So, I ask you. Does the media have any influence on our definition of a beautiful woman? And what is that definition anyway? Can beauty be defined?
The media definitely has an influence on women and their image. There are images of women and products for women constantly being communicated to us, and although the level of influence on the individual does vary on several factors, the level of influence the media has had in creating society's dominant ideology of a beautiful woman has been massive and on-going.
Beauty has no definition. The media is always telling us that blonde hair, blue eyes, and a thin frame is beautiful and it's accepted in the mainstream, but they are only able to define something that has no concrete definition because society is allowing them to.
The media's definition of beauty is skinny, big eyes, straight nose, big lips, ... basically how celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Megan Foxx are presented in the mainstream. I think this has vast negative impacts on girls and women because they are given an image to compare themselves with--and in the process, women begin to find "flaws" essentially defined by the media and essentially society.
media doesn't have any influence on a woman's idea of beauty--and if it does, it's very minor! women should be able to figure out that media is trying to sell a product or image for profit and that they are capable of being in control of how they see themselves. women who say they get surgery or become anorexic because of the media or society are just blaming their insecurities on the a party that is already under fire for it.
I completely disagree with the last comment! Yes-women do have control over their self-image--but to an extent. Do you really think someone who experiences an eating disorder is really looking to blame someone for it? Society--guided by the MEDIA--tells us that thinner women are prettier, more desirable by men, more successful, happier, etc.!!! No matter how pretty you consider yourself, if the the standards of beauty surrounding you are different from your own perceptions, people will not see you as the "ideal beauty"--and over time, you will develop feelings of insecurity or just accept that as an individual, you can't change all of society's ideologies.
The media not only has an influence on the definition of beauty--it defines beauty for our society! Through tv commercials, magazine ads, movies, etc., the media tells us what is beautiful as well as what is not beautiful. It is unfortunate that we live in a society where women are degraded and sexually objectified and told that they need to make changes to their lifestyles or physical make-up to be considered beautiful and socially accepted as so.
Society plays a major factor as well--but it is the media who controls society's ideologies--and therein sets the standards of beauty for women.
We as women do tend to buy into the media's definition of beauty, but are we the only ones? Men have also used this definition to find their mate. So thus, if we women don't give into these false realities of beauty we miss out. Oh and don't let men tell you they don't care about looks because they really do. They have also been subjected to the same media influences as women, so it only fare to say they also have this distorted image of beauty in their minds.
everybody is beautiful
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